Just like knowing how to use the Command Line, Git & Github will be very important in your daily workflow as a programmer / developer.

Let’s put your Git and Github skills to practice! Find the assignment below.

  1. The assignment has to be done strictly in a PC.
  2. You can either use WSL and ubuntu from your windows machine or use any Linux OS as standalone or use a virtualbox with any Linux OS in it.
  3. Do not do the assignment in powershell or cmd.

Check if Git is installed:

  1. Try the command git --version in your shell. If it returns a git version, it means git is installed. If it shows an error message, you need to install git.
  2. Go to https://git-scm.com/downloads to download git for your OS. (If you’re using WSL and doesn’t have git, choose Linux/Unix version of git when downloading)

Configuring Git:

Once Git is installed setup your global config values if you haven’t. Run the commands:

git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

Replace the parts in quotes with your info.

Setup is done! You’re good to go.

Configuring Github:

Create an account in https://github.com/ → Sign Up.

Setting up SSH keys: