Setting up your Linux System

Several issues were observed during the task-2 submissions. Taking into account the need for uniformity and to ensure the minimization of errors, we request all participants to set up either VirtualBox for Linux or install an Ubuntu OS. They support all Command line functionalities and will certainly help in the long run, considering the need for a Linux based OS throughout the duration of the program. This would also help in ensuring that queries of most participants can be properly addressed.

For details regarding the setup refer to the following pages and videos.

VirtualBox for Linux:

Ubuntu Installation:



Now, lets set up our Text Editor

In case you’re wondering why we require you to install a Text Editor on your device, its simply beacuse of the countless the advantages they offer. Text Editors assist in formatting, debugging, executing and management of code. Some Text Editors also provide features such as automatic text completetion, various extensions, Custom editable interface etc making the process of programming much more fun and efficient.

For more details regarding the set up of Visual Studio Code, refer

There are several other Text Editors such as Sublime, Atom, Nano etc.

Feel free to install the Text Editor of your choice.

It’s time to gear up ! Python Installation

Now that we have our Developer Environment and Text Editor set, we now we need to download and install Python before we move onto our exciting next session. Refer to the following resources to install Python perfectly.



Remember to install the Python extension on your Text Editor, once you’ve completed the previous steps.