Here are some requirements and features that you could consider including in your task board application:
- User registration and authentication: Allow users to create accounts and log in to the application securely.
- Dashboard view: A dashboard view that shows tasks in 3 particular categories to the logged-in user - upcoming, completed and time expired.
- Upcoming Category : Users should be able to add new tasks to the upcoming category. When adding a new task, the following information should be collected: title, description, and completion date. There should also be a field called 'status' with three options: upcoming, completed, or expired.
- Completed Category : The completed category should contain tasks that have been completed. If a task's status is changed to 'completed,' it should automatically be moved to the completed category.
- Expired Category : The expired category should hold tasks that are incomplete and whose completion date has passed. If the completion date has passed, the task should be automatically moved to this category and its status should be changed to 'expired’